Proceedings of an International Workshop on Cytogenetics of Arachis
Moss J P
Proceedings of an International Workshop on Cytogenetics of Arachis ICRISAT Center Patancheru, India 31, Oct-2 ;Nov.1983 Proceedings of an international workshop on cytogenetics of arachis Moss J P; Feakin, S.D. - Andhra Pradesh. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Aried Tropics ICRISAT.Patancheru. 1985 - v 191pp
Proceedings of an International Workshop on Cytogenetics of Arachis ICRISAT Center Patancheru, India 31, Oct-2 ;Nov.1983 Proceedings of an international workshop on cytogenetics of arachis Moss J P; Feakin, S.D. - Andhra Pradesh. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Aried Tropics ICRISAT.Patancheru. 1985 - v 191pp