Studies on the uptake of zinc by rice from contrasting soil types and its availability in soils with special reference to the influence of different zinc carriers and organic matter
Chapke, V. G
Studies on the uptake of zinc by rice from contrasting soil types and its availability in soils with special reference to the influence of different zinc carriers and organic matter Studies on the uptake of zinc by rice from contrasting soil types and its availability in soils with special reference to the influence of different zinc carriers and organic matter Chapke, V. G; Mistry, K. B [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1985 - 398pp
Agricultural Chemistry, zinc carriers , organic matter
Studies on the uptake of zinc by rice from contrasting soil types and its availability in soils with special reference to the influence of different zinc carriers and organic matter Studies on the uptake of zinc by rice from contrasting soil types and its availability in soils with special reference to the influence of different zinc carriers and organic matter Chapke, V. G; Mistry, K. B [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1985 - 398pp
Agricultural Chemistry, zinc carriers , organic matter