Bioeffiency of newer mithicides againest two spotted spider mite(Tetranychs urticae koch.)on gerbera under polyhouse condition
Dhage, A.D
Bioeffiency of newer mithicides againest two spotted spider mite(Tetranychs urticae koch.)on gerbera under polyhouse condition Bioeffiency of newer mithicides againest two spotted spider mite(Tetranychs urticae koch.)on gerbera under polyhouse condition Dhage, A.D; Shelke, S.S [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2009 - 100 pp
Agricultural Entomology
Bioeffiency of newer mithicides againest two spotted spider mite(Tetranychs urticae koch.)on gerbera under polyhouse condition Bioeffiency of newer mithicides againest two spotted spider mite(Tetranychs urticae koch.)on gerbera under polyhouse condition Dhage, A.D; Shelke, S.S [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2009 - 100 pp
Agricultural Entomology