Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of kharif forge sorghum (sorghum bicolor (L)moench)cv.Phule Amruta and their residual effect on succeeding chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L)Cv. digvijay
Nawale, S.S
Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of kharif forge sorghum (sorghum bicolor (L)moench)cv.Phule Amruta and their residual effect on succeeding chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L)Cv. digvijay Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of kharif forge sorghum (sorghum bicolor (L)moench)cv.Phule Amruta and their residual effect on succeeding chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L)Cv. digvijay Nawale, S.S; Pawar, A.D [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2008 - 127+XVI pp
Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of kharif forge sorghum (sorghum bicolor (L)moench)cv.Phule Amruta and their residual effect on succeeding chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L)Cv. digvijay Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of kharif forge sorghum (sorghum bicolor (L)moench)cv.Phule Amruta and their residual effect on succeeding chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L)Cv. digvijay Nawale, S.S; Pawar, A.D [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2008 - 127+XVI pp