Effect of edible and non-edible oils on survival and virulence of gitrus cankaer bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis P.V citri
Birajdar, K.S
Effect of edible and non-edible oils on survival and virulence of gitrus cankaer bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis P.V citri Effect of edible and non-edible oils on survival and virulence of gitrus cankaer bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis P.V citri Birajdar, K.S; Borkar, S.G [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2007 - 95+XVIII pp
Plant Pathology
Effect of edible and non-edible oils on survival and virulence of gitrus cankaer bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis P.V citri Effect of edible and non-edible oils on survival and virulence of gitrus cankaer bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis P.V citri Birajdar, K.S; Borkar, S.G [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2007 - 95+XVIII pp
Plant Pathology