Studies on the reniform nematode rotylenchulus reniformis linford and oilverira 1940 infesting cotton gossypium hirsutum L
Mhase, N.L
Studies on the reniform nematode rotylenchulus reniformis linford and oilverira 1940 infesting cotton gossypium hirsutum L Studies on the reniform nematode rotylenchulus reniformis linford and oilverira 1940 infesting cotton gossypium hirsutum L Mhase, N.L; Mote, U.N [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2005 - 171+XX pp
Agricultural Entomology
Studies on the reniform nematode rotylenchulus reniformis linford and oilverira 1940 infesting cotton gossypium hirsutum L Studies on the reniform nematode rotylenchulus reniformis linford and oilverira 1940 infesting cotton gossypium hirsutum L Mhase, N.L; Mote, U.N [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2005 - 171+XX pp
Agricultural Entomology