Effect of Iba and NAA on rooting of cuttings of nerium (Nerium oleander Linn)
Thorat, S.P
Effect of Iba and NAA on rooting of cuttings of nerium (Nerium oleander Linn) Effect of Iba and NAA on rooting of cuttings of nerium (Nerium oleander Linn) Thorat, S.P; Sawant, R.B [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2005 - 79+XV pp
Effect of Iba and NAA on rooting of cuttings of nerium (Nerium oleander Linn) Effect of Iba and NAA on rooting of cuttings of nerium (Nerium oleander Linn) Thorat, S.P; Sawant, R.B [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 2005 - 79+XV pp