Studies on the effect of plant densities and fertilizer levels on growth and yield of groundnut variety TAG-24daring
Deshmukh, G.N
Studies on the effect of plant densities and fertilizer levels on growth and yield of groundnut variety TAG-24daring Studies on the effect of plant densities and fertilizer levels on growth and yield of groundnut variety TAG-24daring Deshmukh, G.N; Bhoi, P.G [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1995 - 105 pp
Studies on the effect of plant densities and fertilizer levels on growth and yield of groundnut variety TAG-24daring Studies on the effect of plant densities and fertilizer levels on growth and yield of groundnut variety TAG-24daring Deshmukh, G.N; Bhoi, P.G [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1995 - 105 pp