varietal screening of sorghum for resistance to shootfly.(Atherigona socoata Randani)
Dengale, B.D
varietal screening of sorghum for resistance to shootfly.(Atherigona socoata Randani) varietal screening of sorghum for resistance to shootfly.(Atherigona socoata Randani) Dengale, B.D; Patil, B.R [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1994 - 105 pp
Agricultural Entomology
varietal screening of sorghum for resistance to shootfly.(Atherigona socoata Randani) varietal screening of sorghum for resistance to shootfly.(Atherigona socoata Randani) Dengale, B.D; Patil, B.R [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1994 - 105 pp
Agricultural Entomology