Effect of different levels of nitrogen and phosphours with and without rhizobium culturae DUD on growth,yield and quality of Pigeon Pea Cajans cajan (L.)Millsp.variery Pusa ageti

Dudhane M.L

Effect of different levels of nitrogen and phosphours with and without rhizobium culturae DUD on growth,yield and quality of Pigeon Pea Cajans cajan (L.)Millsp.variery Pusa ageti Effect of different levels of nitrogen and phosphours with and without rhizobium culturae DUD on growth,yield and quality of Pigeon Pea Cajans cajan (L.)Millsp.variery Pusa ageti Dudhane, M.L; Mahajan, V.K[Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1977 - 174pp

Agronomy, rhizobium culturae DUD , Pigeon Pea, Cajans cajan

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