Residual toxicity of some of the commonly used insecticides to the first instar larvae and adultes of spooted bollworm and jawar stem borer
Patil, B.D
Residual toxicity of some of the commonly used insecticides to the first instar larvae and adultes of spooted bollworm and jawar stem borer Residual toxicity of some of the commonly used insecticides to the first instar larvae and adultes of spooted bollworm and jawar stem borer Patil, B.D; Pokharkar, R.N [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1974 - 44pp
Agricultural Entomology, Residual toxicity, spooted bollworm
Residual toxicity of some of the commonly used insecticides to the first instar larvae and adultes of spooted bollworm and jawar stem borer Residual toxicity of some of the commonly used insecticides to the first instar larvae and adultes of spooted bollworm and jawar stem borer Patil, B.D; Pokharkar, R.N [Gd.] - M.P.K.V Rahuri M.P.K.V Rahuri 1974 - 44pp
Agricultural Entomology, Residual toxicity, spooted bollworm