Relative toxicity of different newer pesticides to mealybug, maconellicoccus hirsutus and preptolaemus montrouzieri under laboratory condition.
Sinha, P
Relative toxicity of different newer pesticides to mealybug, maconellicoccus hirsutus and preptolaemus montrouzieri under laboratory condition. Relative toxicity of different newer pesticides to mealybug, maconellicoccus hirsutus and preptolaemus montrouzieri under laboratory condition. Sinha, P; Jadhav, D. B [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 2004 - 69+XVII pp
Agricultural Entomology
Relative toxicity of different newer pesticides to mealybug, maconellicoccus hirsutus and preptolaemus montrouzieri under laboratory condition. Relative toxicity of different newer pesticides to mealybug, maconellicoccus hirsutus and preptolaemus montrouzieri under laboratory condition. Sinha, P; Jadhav, D. B [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 2004 - 69+XVII pp
Agricultural Entomology