Screening of chickpea genotypes for callus induction and regeneration.
Dhane, M D
Screening of chickpea genotypes for callus induction and regeneration. Screening of chickpea genotypes for callus induction and regeneration. Dhane, M. D; Patil, S. C [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 2003 - 72+XV pp
Cytogenesis and Plant Breeding
Screening of chickpea genotypes for callus induction and regeneration. Screening of chickpea genotypes for callus induction and regeneration. Dhane, M. D; Patil, S. C [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 2003 - 72+XV pp
Cytogenesis and Plant Breeding