Bioefficiency and residues of ethion and profenofos used against chilli mites and thrips.
Dhotre, S V
Bioefficiency and residues of ethion and profenofos used against chilli mites and thrips. Bioefficiency and residues of ethion and profenofos used against chilli mites and thrips. Dhotre, S. V; Patil, C. S [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 2000 - 62+XIII pp
Agricultural Entomology
Bioefficiency and residues of ethion and profenofos used against chilli mites and thrips. Bioefficiency and residues of ethion and profenofos used against chilli mites and thrips. Dhotre, S. V; Patil, C. S [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 2000 - 62+XIII pp
Agricultural Entomology