Incidence of Alternaria macropora Zimmon parental material of cotton and their generations.
Gangurde, P B
Incidence of Alternaria macropora Zimmon parental material of cotton and their generations. Incidence of Alternaria macropora Zimmon parental material of cotton and their generations. Gangurde, P. B; Lambhate, S. S [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 2000 - 56+XVI pp
Plant Pathology
Incidence of Alternaria macropora Zimmon parental material of cotton and their generations. Incidence of Alternaria macropora Zimmon parental material of cotton and their generations. Gangurde, P. B; Lambhate, S. S [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 2000 - 56+XVI pp
Plant Pathology