Effect of vermicompost on the availability and uptake of N P K by sunflower crop grown onmedium black calcareous and non calcareous soils.
Waghmare, R A
Effect of vermicompost on the availability and uptake of N P K by sunflower crop grown onmedium black calcareous and non calcareous soils. Effect of vermicompost on the availability and uptake of N P K by sunflower crop grown onmedium black calcareous and non calcareous soils. Waghmare, R. A; Jagtap, B. K [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1997 - 70pp
Agricultural Chemistry
Effect of vermicompost on the availability and uptake of N P K by sunflower crop grown onmedium black calcareous and non calcareous soils. Effect of vermicompost on the availability and uptake of N P K by sunflower crop grown onmedium black calcareous and non calcareous soils. Waghmare, R. A; Jagtap, B. K [Gd] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1997 - 70pp
Agricultural Chemistry