Studies on Biology of groundnut pod Borer carydon Serratus and its management in storage.
Joshi, V B
Studies on Biology of groundnut pod Borer carydon Serratus and its management in storage. Studies on Biology of groundnut pod Borer carydon Serratus and its management in storage. Joshi, V. B; - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1998 - 62pp
Agricultural Entomology
Studies on Biology of groundnut pod Borer carydon Serratus and its management in storage. Studies on Biology of groundnut pod Borer carydon Serratus and its management in storage. Joshi, V. B; - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1998 - 62pp
Agricultural Entomology