Studies on inter cropping of wheat and gram under rained conditions effects of different spatial arrangement and plants populations on growth and yield of different varieties of safflower
Aher, R K
Studies on inter cropping of wheat and gram under rained conditions effects of different spatial arrangement and plants populations on growth and yield of different varieties of safflower Studies on inter cropping of wheat and gram under rained conditions effects of different spatial arrangement and plants populations on growth and yield of different varieties of safflower Aher, R. K; Patil, B.B [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1983 - 255pp
Agronomy, rained conditions
Studies on inter cropping of wheat and gram under rained conditions effects of different spatial arrangement and plants populations on growth and yield of different varieties of safflower Studies on inter cropping of wheat and gram under rained conditions effects of different spatial arrangement and plants populations on growth and yield of different varieties of safflower Aher, R. K; Patil, B.B [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1983 - 255pp
Agronomy, rained conditions