Studies on the residues of dimethod in fruits of Brinjal and curds of Cauliflowers
Khaire, J T
Studies on the residues of dimethod in fruits of Brinjal and curds of Cauliflowers Studies on the residues of dimethod in fruits of Brinjal and curds of Cauliflowers Khaire, J. T; Dethe, M.D [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1981 - 77pp
Agricultural Entomology, dimethod in fruits, curds of Cauliflowers
Studies on the residues of dimethod in fruits of Brinjal and curds of Cauliflowers Studies on the residues of dimethod in fruits of Brinjal and curds of Cauliflowers Khaire, J. T; Dethe, M.D [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1981 - 77pp
Agricultural Entomology, dimethod in fruits, curds of Cauliflowers