Effect of maleic Hybrid on the storage and keeping quantity of Onion variety Niphad
Mahajan, B B
Effect of maleic Hybrid on the storage and keeping quantity of Onion variety Niphad Effect of maleic Hybrid on the storage and keeping quantity of Onion variety Niphad Mahajan, B. B; Rane, D.A [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1975 - 67pp
Horticultural, Onion
Effect of maleic Hybrid on the storage and keeping quantity of Onion variety Niphad Effect of maleic Hybrid on the storage and keeping quantity of Onion variety Niphad Mahajan, B. B; Rane, D.A [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1975 - 67pp
Horticultural, Onion