Survey of sugarcane soils of Rahuri Tahsil for their contents of organic carbon, available phosphorus and micro-nutrients like Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc and their correlation with tissue indices and sugarcane yields

Patil A S

Survey of sugarcane soils of Rahuri Tahsil for their contents of organic carbon, available phosphorus and micro-nutrients like Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc and their correlation with tissue indices and sugarcane yields Survey of sugarcane soils of Rahuri Tahsil for their contents of organic carbon, available phosphorus and micro-nutrients like Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc and their correlation with tissue indices and sugarcane yields Patil, A. S; Zende, G. K [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1980 - 156pp

Soil Science, organic carbon, micro-nutrients, tissue indices

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