Effect of presowing soil moisture regimes and FYM addition on the availability of different forms of iron and manganese and growth of upland rice on calcareous and non calcareous vertisols

Gore C B

Effect of presowing soil moisture regimes and FYM addition on the availability of different forms of iron and manganese and growth of upland rice on calcareous and non calcareous vertisols Effect of presowing soil moisture regimes and FYM addition on the availability of different forms of iron and manganese and growth of upland rice on calcareous and non calcareous vertisols Gore, C. B; Sonar, K. R [Gd.] - MPKV,Rahuri MPKV,Rahuri 1980 - 72pp

Soil Science, soil moisture , FYM iron and manganese , calcareous and non calcareous vertisols

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