Effect of different irrigations as per critical stages and water use factors on growth, yield and irrigation requirement of high yielding wheat.
Patil C B
Effect of different irrigations as per critical stages and water use factors on growth, yield and irrigation requirement of high yielding wheat. Effect of different irrigations as per critical stages and water use factors on growth, yield and irrigation requirement of high yielding wheat. Patil, C. B; Bathkal, B. G [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1970 - 125pp
Effect of different irrigations as per critical stages and water use factors on growth, yield and irrigation requirement of high yielding wheat. Effect of different irrigations as per critical stages and water use factors on growth, yield and irrigation requirement of high yielding wheat. Patil, C. B; Bathkal, B. G [Gd.] - MPKV, Rahuri MPKV, Rahuri 1970 - 125pp